Our choices and the Lord’s ways

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:DEVOTIONAL
Psalm chapter 25 verse 4 and 5 Show me Your ways O Lord. A psalm of David. A plea for deliverance and forgiveness.
Photo and design by Rawada

Do you know how many choices you make in a day?

As soon as we wake up to when we fall asleep, our day is a series of choices. What to wear. What to eat. Where to go. How to get there. Who to see. What to do about this, that, and the other.

It can get too much at times.

Wouldn’t it be easier if we had help?

What influences your choices?

We’re all to some extent influenced by other people, whether family or strangers, and by whatever’s happening in our lives, and things happening out there in the world.

For a long time I thought that I was the only person in the world who went through a hard time when I had to make a choice. Whether it was to choose what to wear to work, to catch a bus or wait a little longer and catch a minivan, or how to get a website and start a blog. It was difficult for me to accept that it was okay to not know everything, to not be sure of things.

The Lord’s Way

Only after I learned that I could trust God with my every moment and not just with my salvation that His Peace flowed into me, and into my life.

Like the psalmist I cried out to our Father-God, and told Him about every little thing I was struggling with. I told Him about the choices I had to make and invited Him to help me make the right ones.

It’s a practice that’s become a part of me, of my life. So far, it’s working just fine.

Your Turn

What do you do to help you make the right choice?

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