The Kingdom of Heaven is yours if you’re meek and humble. That’s the promise from the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus’s words are in Matthew 5 from Jesus’s teachings known as the Beatitudes, or the Sermon on the Mount. His exact words are, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.’ (Matthew 5:3 NKJV).
Poor in spirit tops the list of virtues Jesus teaches we must have. But, why? Why does it top the list, and why must we be poor in spirit?
And what does it even mean to be poor in spirit?
What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
It means being honest about your lack, needs, wants and desires, not only to yourself but also to God. It means telling God the truth about where, how and when you need Him to lift you and carry you. It means knowing in your heart and mind that you need God. You need Him all the time. You need Him when you’re in trouble, desperate for a quick solution, and when you’re exhausted and can’t pray. You need Him when life is smooth and problems are far-off things.
You know you’re a spirit being who needs, desires, and must have God’s spirit to breathe, to live. You need God’s spirit, the Holy Spirit, to lead and direct you.
It’s taken me a long time to recognise and acknowledge that everything I have comes from God. Even my troubles, setbacks, pain and hurts. It was when I realised that since God made me, I belong to Him. I belong to Him because He made me in His image. I may not always reflect His image but I’ve learned to be honest with Him about my errors and sins. I exercise humility when I acknowledge that He knows best. I’m not saying that to get on His good side, to curry favour, but because He does know best. And He knows what’s right. More than that, He knows all, about everything and everyone.

Why should you be poor in spirit?
I’ll answer that with another question: Don’t you want to have the Kingdom of Heaven?
Granted, it will not belong to you alone, but also to others who live out that virtue, who are poor in spirit. To those who know the strength and depth of being gentle, patient and quiet. Of being serene and calm in the storms of life. Whose very presence is a still and warm embrace.
Shouldn’t we introverted spinsters ought to be compassionate, modest and peaceful? Peter talks about that in 1 Peter 3:3 encouraging us to be women of incorruptible beauty.
And the Kingdom of Heaven, how can anyone pass that up?
I mean, the Kingdom of Heaven, wow. That’s out of this world in more ways than one. Not only do you get the Kingdom, you’ll get to see the King of the Kingdom. We all know there can’t be a Kingdom without a King. And the Bible is clear that Jesus is King. The same Jesus, who told that long-ago audience at that mountain how to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, is the King.
How can you be poor in spirit in daily life?
What are some of the things you can do to cultivate a meek and humble spirit?
First things first, you pray. As soon as you awake from sleep before you even rise out of bed, thank God. Thank Him for watching over you and your loved ones. Thank Him for the gift of a new day, and the gift of your five senses. Thank Him for your house, your home, food and drink. Thank Him for being God and that He’s still in control.
Use simple words. God knows your heart and you don’t have to impress Him; in fact, you can’t so stop trying. We are to praise and worship Him and not try to impress Him with our fancy words and thou art language.
Tell Him how you feel, not what you think you should feel. Tell Him the truth. Be honest with Him and don’t hold anything back.
If you find that difficult at first, then write down your prayers. Write it all out and read it out loud when you’re ready.
Prayer is talking with God; it can look like any conversation you have with anyone but with reverence. He is still God after all. You don’t even have to pray out loud all the time; you can think your prayers in your mind.
Go on a fast to strengthen and empower your prayers. Start small with fasting one meal, then move on to longer fasts. Unless the Holy Spirit directs you, don’t go on a forty-day fast on your first try.
Read the Bible
Read your Bible every day. Read the translation you’re comfortable with and take the time to think about what you’ve read. Find the meaning of the words you’re not familiar with to get a better understanding. Use the dictionary and a thesaurus.
If it helps, write out the passages you’ve read in your own words to help you understand better.
Choose a Bible reading plan from your favourite online Christian website, or draw up your own. Whichever you choose, make sure you are reading the Bible every day.
Reading the Bible teaches us what God wants us to do and how to be.
Give to the poor, the widow and the orphan. Set aside a certain amount that God and you have agreed upon and give it to a homeless person in your town. Or buy them food and water, or a care pack. Buy groceries for the poor widows and orphans in your area. Always pray and dedicate your money first to God before you give it out.
Give with compassion. There’s no point in giving if you make the receiver feel like they should be worshipping at your feet. Give with humility knowing that it’s by God’s grace alone that you are able to give. Give, trusting God as your provider. He provides all you need. Remember, God knows best and He knows all.
My fellow introverted spinsters, I encourage you to be poor in spirit. Cultivate a meek and humble spirit. Let this be the year you are compassionate towards others. Let your patience and serenity be clear to all who meet you.
Others might see us as too quiet, even shy. That quietness is our strength for we’re our best behind the scenes. Quietness is where we find solitude to pray, read the Bible and meditate on God’s Word. It’s where God equips us to reach out to others, and in so doing, we remind them that there’s more to life than these temporary hurts and setbacks. We remind them that our King has promised us His Kingdom.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.