Know your why. Why I started Singular Faith.

Why I Started Singular Faith

Singular Faith is where I share my thoughts and ideas. And all I’m learning about faith and living as a spinster and introvert.

The First Step

The coronavirus pandemic revealed the depth and strength of my faith in God. And of those around me – who said they were Christians but their actions contradicted them. They justified these choices, even at the expense of their health.

I realised I could no longer depend on others to bolster my faith or direct my decisions and life. I had to step out in faith and be honest with God.

For a long time, I had used my introversion as a stick to beat myself down with. And a way to ‘get by’ in my relationship with God. I would approach God like a slave approaching a heartless taskmaster. My prayers were selfish, shallow and full of self-pity. I read the Bible only when I thought of it. I never thought about getting to know God for who He is. The One who inspired not only the writers but also the very words contained in the Bible.

Then came the pandemic looking like the end of the world scenario described in the Bible. The Book of Revelation was real. I took the Bible at its word.

I read the Book of Revelations and other Bible prophecies again. That helped me pray God’s promises over me and my family. The Holy Spirit guided me through what my relationship with God should look like. My faith brought me through some difficult times including the passing of loved ones. Being a Christian is about being in an intimate relationship with God. And with Yeshua – Jesus Christ, His Son whom He sent to save us because of God’s love, mercy and grace.

My introversion is a strength because God made me this way. My quiet nature is part of the gifts and talents He has placed in me. It takes me into a serene place where I meditate on my life. A safe place to write out my feelings and thoughts. My writing practice includes keeping a diary, journaling, and now blogging.

Hope and Dreams

Sharing online is not easy. English is my second language and I struggle with it. I struggle to find the right words and sentences to convey my meaning. I hope my writing improves with time and practice.

I hope this helps in your journey, toward God and with Him.

May the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you always!

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