Writing in the Spirit

  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post category:REFLECTIONS

But how do I find the motivation I need every day, as I face the blank page? How can I justify spending so much time writing without clear knowledge of the usefulness or worth of my work? While Rome burns, will I just fiddle with words? And then the big question: Is this really what God wants me to do with my life?

Carol J. Rottman, Ph.D., Writers In The Spirit

Back when I had this fantasy of becoming a writer, I thought Rottman’ doubts were those faced only by true writers, also known as published writers.

That was before the dream of owning my own blog became a reality, when my domain name was registered on this very day back in 2022.

Yes, I know, you’ve read my first post and it’s dated October 2023. More than a year after singularfaith.com officially came to being.

Why did it take me so long, I hear you ask?

Short answer: Writer’s block.

Only, it goes deeper than that. It’s more like a cliff with a sheer drop. I still struggle to write, compounded by my introverted nature.

My words are not perfect; English is my second language so they’re probably not even good, but they’re what I have right now. And where I am right now is, I’m growing not only as a writer but more importantly as a Christian woman who feels called by God to share what He is doing in her life, and sharing the lessons learned.

Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;

Let such as love Your salvation say continually,

“The LORD be magnified!”

Psalm 40:16


Isn’t the life and purpose of a Christian, when stripped right down to the core, to worship the LORD God, to know Him, and make Him known?

And hasn’t the LORD God given each of us gifts and talents to do just that, even us older introverted spinsters?

That’s what motivates me to keep writing, knowing there’s more of us out there, who are trying to find our place in the world and in our community, and trying to fit in at church.

For in You, O LORD, I hope;

You will hear, O Lord my God.

Psalm 38:15


Because I’m one, I write to connect with, share with, and help older introverted Christian spinsters.

I like to think, in fact I pray, that as I continue to write, and I continue to remain faithful to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit, He brings the right person, the right people to read what they need to know.

And now, Lord, what do I wait for?

My hope is in You.

Psalm 39:7


For better or for worse, the world is changing. But it seems to me that the need of humanity remains the same: To be known, be seen, be heard, and be loved. To know that we matter.

And we do matter. You and I matter. We matter to the One who made us. Who not only shaped each intricate part of us but also placed us where we are.

We are known, seen, heard, and best of all we are loved by the LORD God.

And it is from and because of that relationship, in the extraordinary and ordinariness of it, that we are called.

Your Turn

Do you feel led by God to be a writer, to write or blog to share your faith?

If you’ve written about it, share the link in the comments section below.

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